Saturday, August 20, 2016

OneNote Review

Organization is imperative in the day to day operations of teachers. If you wear as many hats as I do, having a system in place in one of the most important strategies to use. OneNote is a free- form program that could consolidation many of your task into one place. I was amazed at all of the capabilities that provides. At first glance, OneNote is designed much like an actually notebook. At the top of the page are tabs that you may add or delete to organize all of your notes or administrative tasks.  As the program gathers and organizes your information, you can add handwritten notes, drawings, screenshots and clipping, video and audio clips, as well as allow you to collaborate with other users.

OneNote is versatile. It mostly runs on CPUs and laptops but can be accessible on tablets. It can work as program on its own but it can also work in conjunctions with Microsoft Word and Excel, allowing you to share data between the programs. It allows you to create lesson plans or organize fundraising finances with the click of a button. OneNote also saves automatically, so there is no need to worry about losing information (what a relief!!).

The most fascinating feature of OneNote in my opinion is the ability to create interactive lessons. You can organize your lesson plans, assignment, worksheets, test, and class note in a single file. This program even allows you to email assignments to parent if the child is absent. You can create notebooks specifically for classes and grade assignments without printing and collecting worksheets or notebook paper assignments.

 OneNote allows you to meet all of your students learning needs with all of the features that can be utilized in your lessons. It is the one stop shop to several of your organizational needs.

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